Our Quality Policy


Our Quality Policy
 Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University (BAIBU) aims to meet the demands in accordance with international standards in the fields of learning and teaching and R&D, and the services needed locally and globally in line with higher education policies and strategies. It adopts a Quality Management System that makes periodic updates and continuous improvements by applying Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycles with a strategic management approach in its main and support fields of activity. In these processes, it cares about the opinions and needs of internal and external stakeholders. Faculty, School, Vocational School, Graduate School and R&D Centers Quality Commissions carry out internal evaluation in coordination with the University Quality Commission. It sees external evaluation and accreditation as complementary to independent and impartial evaluations and internal evaluations on behalf of the institution. It aims at student-centered and lifelong learning in education and strives to transform R&D outputs into products for the benefit of humanity, with planning and applications according to the needs of society and humanity. Our university tries to contribute to the learning and teaching of the knowledge and skills obtained from the R&D field and improve the existing opportunities and capacities.
Our Learning and Teaching Policy
BAIBU learning and teaching aims to educate students who have the knowledge, skills and competencies defined by national and international quality standards such as the European Qualifications Framework, Türkiye Higher Education Qualifications Framework, Higher Education Quality Council criteria, and respect local and universal values. In this context, it uses the technical facilities required by the era such as face-to-face, distance education and hybrid applications, and its own resources in the most efficient way, with an understanding that puts the students in the center. It aims to ensure continuous improvement and quality assurance by measuring the knowledge, skills, and competencies that students are expected to have with appropriate assessment and evaluation methods. It adopts the principle of providing all educational opportunities for students' preferred areas of expertise. It adopts supporting the professional development of the teaching staff responsible for learning and teaching activities, who take part in the training of students in accordance with the qualifications required by the age as a basic task. While continuing its learning and teaching activities, it also supports the professional development and R&D activities of teaching staff and strives to transfer the knowledge and skills from R&D activities to students, and to bring an understanding that loves and protects nature as a university at the “Heart of Nature”.
Our R&D Policy
 BAIBU plans research and development by considering national and international sustainable development goals, the needs of industry and other sectors, the society and all humanity, the capabilities of its teaching staff, physical facilities, budget, and research capacity. It tries to reach its goals and to maintain the efficient use of resources at the highest level by regularly monitoring the R&D results and continuously evaluating the performances of the units. It makes arrangements for laboratories and other units performing R&D activities to work in harmony. It strives to transform and spread the results of these research into products that will benefit the society and increase living standards. It strives to transfer the knowledge and skills produced by research and development activities to learning and teaching activities and to integrate them with these activities. It works for the development of its own and the country's capacity and capabilities in the field of R&D.
Our Service to Society Policy
BAIBU contributes to social life by organizing education, meetings and seminars with a life-long learning perspective based on the social, cultural and information needs of society. It provides information and counselling services to the society in line with national development goals. It conducts counselling and cooperation activities for the development of local and national industry. To train equipped individuals to contribute to society, it constantly improves learning and teaching processes. By supporting students to participate in social responsibility projects, it strives to raise individuals who are sensitive to social problems and are part of the solution to these problems. In order for R&D activities to become a service to society, it encourages links between the partners and research on the needs of society. It performs social benefit-seeking activities in the diagnostics, treatments and rehabilitation services required by modern and traditional medicine with health institutions found in its system. Through sports facilities, it is home to local and national sports organizations, and it contributes to its goal of “Healthy People, Healthy Society” by organizing sports education in accordance with the needs of the community. Plans, based on social needs and expectations, apply each activity to the satisfaction of the participants, and try to improve its activities by monitoring the results of the practice.
Our Internationalization Policy
BAIBU, with Mevlana's “Pergel” metaphor approach, does joint projects with international higher education institutions in all activities including learning and teaching and R&D activities being the foremost, and promote teaching staff and administrative staff and student exchange activities. It aims to improve the international mobility of graduates by providing them with the necessary competencies in learning and teaching. It makes arrangements in accordance with international standards and demands such as BAİBU-ULÖS (Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University-International Student Exam) to attract more international students with learning and teaching. Using information technology effectively, it strives to participate in cross-border education. It aims to be higher in the assessments made by international rating agencies. It cares about boosting its international recognition, supporting international meetings and participation, and making international R&D and other cooperation agreements. It constantly improves its activities by monitoring the expectations of international partners and the consequences of international activities periodically.
Policy For Sustainable Enviroment
BAİBU adopts the well-established definition of sustainability by the Brundtland Commission (1987). In this respect, all the facilities at the university campuses related to research, education, teaching, and public service are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (2015). With its policy for a Sustainable Environment, BAİBU makes efforts to balance the economic, environmental, and social impacts of its decisions, maximize its positive impacts via pioneering research, innovative education, and teaching, and minimize the negative impacts of its facilities. BAİBU policy of a Sustainable Environment includes strategies for the university to become more sensitive and sustainable in addressing global and local environmental challenges. These strategies has four main objectives:
1.Adoption of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Humanity and the environment encounter global environmental challenges that should be addressed through coordination and collaboration. To overcome these challenges, BAİBU contributes to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals through all its facilities, including education, training, research, and public service. As a well-established university in the Western Black Sea region, BAİBÜ provides more sustainable solutions that humanity faces and aims to contribute to the sustainable management of its campuses through innovative research.
2.Providing Research, Education and Knowledge Transfer
BAİBU increases public awareness of sustainability and environmental protection at the global and local scales by promoting education, training, and research.
3.Planning of Facilities in all Campuses in accordance with Sustainability Principles
All the facilities and actions of BAİBU have economic, environmental, and social impacts on the local, regional, and global scales. BAİBU performs the following principles to encourage its students and personnel to become more sustainable in their actions and behaviors:
• 2053 Net Zero Target: Contribution of 2053 Net Zero Emission target of Türkiye by decreasing of carbon footprint of all facilities performed at all campuses of the university,
• Energy Use: Making investment on buildings to reduce carbon emissions; preferring lower carbon emitting alternatives if possible and increasing awareness on the energy efficiency,
• Pollution Prevention: Taking measurements against air, soil and water pollution; controlling emissions and wastewater discharges from all facilities in the campuses,
• Wastes: Prevention and reduction of wastes; promotion of reuse rather than disposal and recycle of the produced wastes,
• Water: Prevention and management of wastewater production through water efficient practices and technologies,
• Transportation: Reducing the emissions of students and personnel from transportation activities; promoting sustainable alternatives including public transport, common vehicle use and video conference to decrease carbon footprint,
• Building and Infrastructure: Taking sustainability principles (e.g., maximizing the health and welfare of individuals, optimizing space usage, aligning with the net zero emission target, etc.) into account in the design, construction, restoration, and operation of buildings in university campuses.
• Nature and Biodiversity: Protection and improvement of natural habitats to enhance wildlife and biodiversity in university campuses,
• Purchasing: Promotion of circular economy principles in purchasing by considering sustainability, ethics, and life cycle issues,
• Public: Sharing of BAİBU Policy for Sustainable Environment with stakeholders and encouragement of more sustainable behaviors in the public; establishment of local and international collaborations and promotion of volunteering,
• Welfare: Ensuring and enhancing the welfare of students and personnel,
• Climate Change Adaptation: Increasing the adaptation of campuses to tackle with the climate change challenges by considering that the frequency of droughts, weather temperature extremes and floods will be increased in the near future,
4.Reporting and Governance
BAİBU Policy for Sustainable Environment will be revised annually by the relevant commission and updated if necessary. The progresses will be reported to the university administration.
Human Resources Polıcy
 BAIBU Human Resources Policy is based on the following principles.
- Resource Management: In the employment and distribution of human resources; It takes into account merit-based, legislative conditions, mission, vision, core values and quality policy in the strategic plans of the institution, job analysis, needs and qualification priority.
- Professional Development: Continuously supports both personal and professional development of employees through internal/external trainings.
- Performance Evaluation: Implements the system of appreciation, recognition and rewarding by taking into account the performance evaluations of employees with the principles of transparency and accountability.
- Corporate Belonging: In order for the "Corporate Culture and Awareness" to be internalized by all employees, it attaches importance to social, cultural, artistic and sportive activities to increase employee satisfaction, motivation and corporate loyalty.
- Employee Health and Safety: Provides a safe working environment by observing the health and safety of employees.
Distance Education Policy
BAIBU adopts a distance education policy that systematically monitors evaluations related to the distance education system, in conjunction with the participation of all relevant stakeholders. In line with its mission and vision, and in accordance with the strategies it has defined along with their associated objectives, the university maintains a quality assurance system developed and compatible with its education and teaching policy. It continues its distance education activities through synchronous and asynchronous course tools and applications, aiming to continuously improve the quality and technical infrastructure of distance education with qualified information resources and support services provided to students and faculty throughout the education process. 

Governance Policy
The governance policy of Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University encourages the active participation of all stakeholders in decision-making processes based on common sense and participation; observes transparency, accountability and justice by adhering to ethical values; enables the emergence of value-added ideas by supporting entrepreneurship and innovation; contributes to social development through education, research and community service activities and aims to increase employee and student satisfaction by strengthening institutional belonging. This policy forms the basis of a transparent, participatory and accountable management approach by prioritizing sustainability and quality in all activities of the university.